The Emperor's New Clothes
This blog is about European spectrum harmonization for BB-PPDR. ECC has created a very nice Report 218 about a year ago with proposals for frequency arrangement for BB-PPDR in CEPT countries. The final report proposes a concept called " flexible harmonization " based on three major elements: common technical standard (i.e. LTE and its evolutions); national flexibility to decide how much spectrum and which specific frequency ranges should be designated for BB-PPDR networks within harmonised tuning range(s), according to national needs; national choice of the most suitable implementation model (either dedicated, commercial or hybrid). If we examine the document in more detail, we find various frequency ranges and bands proposed for BB-PPDR. The report has identified following candidates within 400 MHz and 700 MHz ranges: UL 410-420 MHz, DL 420-430 MHz (tuning range) UL 450-460 MHz, DL 460-470 MHz (tuning range) UL 703-713 MHz, DL 758-768 MHz (2 x 10 MHz) ...